Earwigs Pest Control Melbourne, VIC

Call 365 pest control for earwig control in your home and garden. Our earwig pest control program includes preventative measures, habitat modifications, and targeted treatments. Earwigs are small insects with distinctive pincer-like cerci at the end of their abdomens. When their populations become out of control, they can become a nuisance, even though they are generally harmless. Please do not hesitate to contact 365 Pest Control.

365 earwigs control

365’s Earwigs Control Services

Residential Termite Treatments

Earwigs Pest Control for House

Choose 365 pest control company to protect your garden & home from earwigs. We provide reliable, safe, and eco-friendly earwig control methods. Earwigs are small insects with distinct appearances due to the pincer-like appendages at the end of their abdomens. For shelter and food, they occasionally enter homes.

Commercial Termite Treatment

Earwigs Pest Control for Garden

With 365's pest control, you can protect your garden, including plants, flowers, and trees, with practical methods for controlling earwigs. The earwig is typically a scavenger, but it can sometimes become a garden pest if its population explodes. It starts feeding on plants, especially seedlings and delicate plants.

Process of Our
Earwigs Removal Plan



Long-Term Prevention

Long-Term Prevention



Professional Help

Professional Help

Solutions and Traps

Solutions and Traps



Chemical Treatments

Chemical Treatments

Regular Monitoring

Regular Monitoring

Reason for Choosing 365 for Earwigs Control in Melbourne, VIC

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FAQ on Earwigs Pest Control

How do you get rid of earwigs?

To eliminate earwigs, eliminate moisture-prone areas, seal entry points, set traps, apply natural repellents like diatomaceous earth, use targeted insecticides, and maintain clean surroundings indoors and outdoors.

How do you get rid of earwigs in Melbourne, Australia?

When it comes to eliminating earwigs in Melbourne, Australia, you can hire professionals, as they will use the most effective methods to protect your home or garden.

What attracts earwigs?

Earwigs are attracted to moisture, darkness, decaying organic matter, gardens with succulent plants, night light, warmth, diverse food sources, high humidity, clutter, and structures with trapped moisture.

Leave It to 365 Pest Control


Learn More About

Characteristics: Earwigs (Order: Dermaptera) are small insects with elongated bodies and forceps-like cerci at the end of their abdomens. Earwigs (Order: Dermaptera) are tiny insects characterized by their long bodies and distinctive forceps-like cerci at their abdomen’s end. They belong to a diverse group of over 2,000 species worldwide. Earwigs have flexible wings but are not strong fliers, and they usually measure around 5 to 25 millimetres long.

Physical Features:

  • Cerci: The prominent pincer-like cerci at the end of their abdomen are used for defence, mating, and capturing prey.

  • Antennae: Long, slender antennae help them navigate their environment and locate food.

  • Colour and Texture: Earwigs range from brown to reddish-brown and have flat bodies.

Habitat and Behavior:

  • Nocturnal: Earwigs are active at night, seeking dark and moist environments to hide during the day.

  • Omnivorous Diet: They feed on various organic matter, including insects, decaying plants, algae, and other materials.

  • Reproduction: Female earwigs lay eggs in soil burrows. They provide maternal care by guarding and caring for eggs and nymphs.

  • Life Cycle: Earwigs undergo simple metamorphosis, transitioning from eggs to nymphs to adults.

  • Preference for Moisture: Earwigs are attracted to damp places, which provide moisture and shelter.

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