Mosquito Control Management Firm Melbourne, VIC

Getting bitten by a mosquito can be painful; mosquitoes transmit various diseases and are a nuisance.

To protect both our residential and commercial customers from a range of serious illnesses spread by mosquitoes, 365 Pest Control offers comprehensive, safe mosquito pest control in Melbourne.

The mosquito control company we run has established an excellent reputation in the industry by offering expert services, certified pest control specialists, and modern equipment. Our mosquito treatment procedures are tailored to meet the needs of our customers.

365 mosquitos control

365's Mosquito
Pest Control Services

Residential Termite Treatments

Household Mosquito

Our household mosquito pest control involves implementing measures and strategies within residential settings to manage and reduce mosquito populations. This program intends to minimize mosquito nuisance and lower the risk of a household member contracting a mosquito-borne disease.

Commercial Termite Treatment

Commercial Mosquito Treatment

Commercial and industrial mosquito pest control involves applying specialized strategies and techniques to manage mosquito populations in large-scale settings, such as businesses, industrial facilities, and public spaces. In order to ensure the well-being of employees, customers, and visitors, mosquito-borne disease risks are minimized.

Process of Our
Mosquito Pest Control Treatment Plan



Environmental Consideration

Environmental Consideration

Source Identification & Reduction

Source Identification & Reduction



Customized Treatment Plan

Customized Treatment Plan

Ongoing Monitoring

Ongoing Monitoring

Adult Mosquito Control

Adult Mosquito Control

Follow-Up and Maintenance

Follow-Up and Maintenance

Reason to Choosing 365 for Mosquitos Pest Control in Melbourne, VIC

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FAQ on Mosquito Pest Control

Q1. What is the best way to control mosquitoes in the garden?

Ans. When you are gardening or relaxing on your porch, mosquitoes can make it unpleasant. To eliminate mosquitoes from your yard, our specialist uses a hose-end sprayer or backpack sprayer to spray an insecticide, such as Reclaim IT, along with an insect growth regulator, such as Pivot IGR.
Additionally, we can spray your lawn and outdoor foliage with a misting system or a mist blower using Flex 10-10 if the infestation is more severe. To reduce mosquito numbers, sprayings should be done regularly, every 10 to 14 days.
The effect of these actions is that they gradually build a repelling effect on your property and make it less inviting for mosquitoes to congregate. You should therefore use fewer insecticides in outdoor areas. Most hardware and garden supply companies offer sprays or granules to control mosquitoes. Use them only when necessary.

Q2. What are the benefits of mosquito control services?

Ans. There are several highly hazardous illnesses that mosquitoes carry, including malaria, dengue, brain fever, cerebral malaria, and filariasis. Therefore, a mosquito infestation around you and your family can be deadly.
Mosquito control is aimed at protecting homes and families from mosquitoes. Our experts use a methodical, comprehensive approach to eliminate mosquitoes on your property. We thoroughly examine the location and surroundings to identify the affected areas.
Finally, a tailored program is created with the customer to address particular mosquito issues, using non-chemical, chemical, and biological control methods.

Q3. What is the duration of mosquito control treatment?

Ans. A mosquito treatment usually lasts for 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the weather, location, and size of the mosquito population. However, severe winds or heavy rains can make it difficult to spray for mosquitoes.
As a result, less treatment ends up on the grass since the wind will blow it away. The rain will wash away the treatment if it rains within 30 minutes of application. Once the treatment has dried, rain will not harm the grass.
A mosquito treatment should be applied once a month during mosquito breeding season for the best results. Once the mosquito treatment has been applied, it will kill mosquitoes that land on the treated plants and have a repelling effect that keeps insects away from your property.

Q4. How can you tell if you have a mosquito infestation?

Ans. In addition to their distinctive high-pitched buzzing sound, mosquitoes’ constant buzzing is an obvious sign that you might have a mosquito problem.
Mosquitoes like shaded areas. If you live on a property with a lot of shade or gloomy areas, check these places for infestations. Avoid bringing them back to your residence if you live near a forest.
If, however, your house or property is infested with mosquitoes, you will probably see them in the evenings and sometimes even in the daytime.

Q5. Is mosquito spray harmful to my health?

Ans. Residents are encouraged to stay indoors during the spraying, despite the minimal toxicity of the substance. Because any substances would need to be inhaled directly into your bloodstream to be significant, they would need to enter your bloodstream directly.
As a result of exposure to significant concentrations of Sumithrin, people may feel nauseated, vomiting, throat irritation, headaches, disoriented, and have skin and eye irritations.
According to experts, the mosquito population will decline as the temperature cools. They won’t completely disappear until the first hard frost. Even if the spray is not dangerous, avoid touching it directly.

Q6. Do home/building owners have any control over mosquitoes?

Ans. Taking the following measures can help you prevent mosquitoes from nesting inside: – Do not allow mosquitoes into the laundry room, behind sinks, under showers, in closets, or under furniture.
To get rid of mosquito eggs and larvae, empty and clean any containers that retain water, such as vases and flowerpot saucers. For one week, flip them over, cover them, or throw them away. If you still have mosquitoes in your house after fixing screens, emptying containers, and cleaning them, use an indoor pesticide.
Foggers or bug spray will kill mosquitoes and treat mosquito breeding grounds. Engage an expert in pest control to treat areas in your house. 365 Pest Control Melbourne ensures that your home or business is mosquito-free.

Leave It to 365 Pest Control


Learn More About

Life Cycle:

  • Egg: Female mosquitoes lay eggs on the water surface or in flooding-prone areas. These eggs develop into larvae.
  • Larva: Larvae, often called “wrigglers,” live in water and feed on microorganisms and organic matter. They moult several times, growing more significant with each stage.
  • Pupa: The larva transforms into a pupa, commonly known as a “tumbler.” During this stage, the mosquito is immobile and enclosed in a cocoon-like structure. Pupae do not feed.
  • Adult: The adult mosquito emerges from the pupal stage, breaks through the water surface, and rests until its wings are dry. Female mosquitoes seek blood meals for egg development, while males feed on nectar.

Feeding: Female mosquitoes require a blood meal to obtain proteins necessary for egg development. They use specialized mouthparts called proboscis to pierce host skin (humans, animals, birds) and suck blood. Male mosquitoes, however, feed on nectar and plant juices.

Diseases: Mosquitoes transmit diseases to humans and animals through their bites. Some of the most notable conditions include:

  • Malaria
  • Dengue fever
  • Zika virus
  • West Nile virus
  • Yellow fever
  • Chikungunya


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